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 Public Health News Snippets  6 - 12th March, 2023

Union Health Ministry is keeping a close watch on the Influenza situation

  • A total of 3038 laboratory-confirmed cases of Influenza have been reported including the H3N2 subtype till 9th March 2023. H3N2 is a subtype of the Influenza A virus. 

  • It is a highly contagious respiratory illness that affects humans and animals including birds, and pigs

  • It is known to cause more severe illness in young children and in older adults

  • India normally sees 2 peaks of seasonal Influenza: January to March and in the post-monsoon season. 

  • This time the number of cases is more than normal, predominantly H3N2.  

  • Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme is being used to keep track of all cases of Influenza-like illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Infections presenting in health facilities. 

  • In February a total of 436,523 cases of Influenza like Illness and 6919 cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Illness has been reported.  

  • The public health facilities are also providing the drug Oseltamivir free of cost. The drug was shifted to Schedule H1 from Schedule X of the Drugs and Cosmetic Act in February 2017. 

  •  ICMR network of laboratories: An integrated surveillance network for Influenza Like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Illness is being used to detect the human influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2. 

  • The surveillance architecture consists of 28 sites, which is comprised of 27 DHR-ICMR’s Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories and National Influenza Center at ICMR-National Institute of Virology Pune (WHO Collaborating Center for Global Influenza Surveillance & Response System)  Government guidelines: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has released the guidelines on categorization, treatment protocol, ventilatory management. To access these guidelines -  click here.

Content Editor : Dr. Gaurav Singh

Press Information Bureau

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Influenza Epidemic, H3N2

Can we break the chain of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus getting passed on from generation to generation?

  • Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh, a nationally renowned Diabetologist while addressing the Annual Conference of DIPSI (Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India), said Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus has already assumed epidemic proportions in India and prevention of Diabetes in Pregnancy is critical to the well-being of India's future generation. 

  • He said that a woman who gets Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is likely to pass on to her progeny a higher preponderance to develop Type-2 diabetes and that too at a relatively younger age. 

  • He praised Dr. V. Seshiah and his team who recommended conducting a "Spot Test" for blood sugar in every pregnant woman and today they have developed a "Single Procedure Test in Pregnancy”.  

  • The preventive project of diabetes in pregnancy taken up by Dr. V. Seshiah is in tune with the preventive healthcare preferences of the government to ensure the health and well-being of the youth whose energy and productivity are crucial for the next 25 years.

Content Editor : Dr. Yamini Singh

Press Information Bureau

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Maternal and Child Health, NCDs, Diabetes Mellitus

ISHTA 2023: Symposium on Healthcare Technology Assessment for Universal Health Coverage held at New Delhi

  • The second International Symposium on Health Technology Assessment (ISHTA) 2023 was held in New Delhi with a focus on affordability, availability, and accessibility of healthcare technologies through evidence generated by Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for Universal Health Coverage. 

  • The event was organized by Health Technology Assessment in India, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in collaboration with WHO India Country Office and Center for Global Development. 

  • The symposium included the release of a video on ‘The Journey of HTAIn’ and a book, ‘Policy Briefs (volume 2),” containing policy briefs of HTA studies conducted in India. 

  • The event was attended by various ministers, secretaries, and delegates from 23 countries.

Content Editor : Dr. Purnoor Kaur

WHO News Section

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Global health, Health Technology Assessment

Higher prevalence of Dementia in India: LASI

  • A study done using the sample of LASI (Longitudinal Aging Study in India) estimated the prevalence of Dementia among the elderly (>60 years) to be 8.44% - equating to 10.08 million people in the country.  

  • The subsample of LASI participants received an extensive cognitive assessment, clinical rating, and diagnoses of dementia

  • A semi-supervised machine learning model was developed to predict the status of dementia among participants without a diagnosis. 

  • Dementia was higher among participants who were females, lived in rural areas, and received no education. 

  • This study helps in making the long-term plan and social care policy.

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

Journal of Neuroepidemiology

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Research finding, dementia, LASI, Geriatric health.

Real-time surveillance of Acute Respiratory Illness

  • One death each in Haryana and Karnataka was attributed to H3N2 influenza

  • The real-time surveillance data of IDSP (Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme) reported 3,038 laboratory-confirmed cases of various subtypes of influenza up till 9th March 2023 and 1,33,412 cases of Acute Respiratory Illness/Influenza Like Illness (ARI/ILI) in the first nine days of March 2023. 

  • ICMR is conducting integrated surveillance of Influenza-like Illness (ILI) and Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) to detect human Influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 through a network of 28 sites. 

  • For the first nine weeks of 2023, Influenza A H3N2 has been the predominant sub-type followed by Influenza B Victoria and Influenza A H1N1pdm09, across India. 

Content Editor : Dr. Urmimala Maiti

Press Information Bureau

Source : 

Published on :

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Acute Respiratory Illness, Influenza, IDSP, ICMR

Task force on production and promotion of bio-fertilizers

  • Considering the efficient use of fertilizers, NITI Ayog has devised a task force under the chairmanship of Prof. Ramesh Chand to:-

  1. assess biofertilizer production and consumption in India

  2. Devise innovations to promote the cow economy and use manure as biofertilizers.

  • Policy measures to produce, package, market & distribute organic fertilizers as an alternative to inorganic ones

  • Formulate Public Private Partnership models with gaushalas, Dairy cooperatives, and Farmer Producer Organisations to ensure sustainable bio-farming. 

  • The report released today on "Production and Promotion of Organic and Bio-fertilizers with Special Focus on Improving Economic Viability of Gaushalas" provides accurate estimates of operational and fixed costs of Gaushalas and setting up Bio-CNG plant and PROM (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure) plants and recommendations on the economic viability of Gaushalas.

Content Editor : Dr. Urmimala Maiti

NITI Aayog

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Agriculture, Bio-farming, NITI Ayog

Antibiotic drugs administered on livestock cuts carbon in soil

  • Researchers at the Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), have found that grazing by livestock leads to lower carbon storage in soil compared to grazing by wild herbivores

  • The soils from the wild and livestock areas differed in one key parameter called carbon use efficiency (CUE), which determines the ability of microbes to store carbon in the soil. 

  • The soil in the livestock areas had 19% lower CUE. 

  • This difference appears to be due to the use of veterinary antibiotics such as tetracycline on livestock. 

  • When released into the soil through dung and urine, these antibiotics alter the microbial communities in the soil in ways that are detrimental to sequestering carbon.

  • To read the complete article  -  click here

Content Editor : Dr. Immanuel Joshua. E

The Hindu

Source : 

Published on :

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Environmental Health, One Health

Real-time monitoring of green-house gases: UN Meteorological Organization

  • The UN’s Meteorological Organization targets new Global Greenhouse Gas monitoring infrastructure that provides standardized, real-time tracking of greenhouse gas.

  • It will integrate space-based and surface-based data and clarify the source of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • It will help the policymakers to understand the gap and come up with climate change mitigation plans.   

  • The plan might be fully operationalized in the next 5 years.

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

World Meteorological Organization

Source : 

Published on :

Friday, March 10, 2023

Climate change, Greenhouse gas, United Nations

Highlights of Post- Budget Webinar on Health & Medical research

  • On March 6th, 2023, a Post- Budget webinar by Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized using digital innovations in healthcare and medical research.

  • Advised to learn from the pandemic’s impact on the supply chain for life-saving drugs - Comparison of the healthcare- pre & post-pandemic period. 

  • Affordable medical care- Ayushman Bharat scheme saved Rs. 80,000 crores & Jan Aushadhi scheme saved Rs. 20,000 crores for patients. 

  • Strengthening health infrastructures: 260 new medical colleges, doubling the number of medical seats in graduate and PG courses compared to 2014, and opening 157 nursing colleges.  

  • Strengthen the digital health initiatives for health care & medical research.  

  • Increase the opportunities for startups in the healthcare sector, to use indigenous digital technology to support the healthcare system. 

  • Encouraged the pharma sector to expand its market size.

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

Press Information Bureau

Source : 

Published on :

Friday, March 10, 2023

Digital Health, Health Budget

78th Multiple Indicator Survey Report

  • The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, National Sample Survey Office have released the report on Multiple Indicator Survey (MIS) in its 78th round. 

  • The survey covered the entire country except for Andaman and Nicobar Islands

  • The survey conducted was for the collection of information 1) Household level - on access to drinking water, hygiene, sanitation, etc. 2) Individual-level - on education and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) skills Individual-level; on particulars of migration bank or financial account-related information Construction/ purchase of houses or flats for residential purposes after 31.03.2014. 

  • The information so collected is aimed to generate information on important national indicators of Sustainable Development Goals

  • Key findings: 95% of rural and 97.2% of urban populations reported access to improved drinking water sources. 78.7% of rural and 97.1% of urban households reported access to latrines.

  • To download the report -  click here

Content Editor : Dr. Urmimala Maiti

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Source : 

Published on :

Thursday, March 9, 2023

National Sample Survey, Sustainable Development Goals,

Are Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022 violative of the Forest Right Act, 2006?

  • The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change in June 2022, notified the Forest (Conservation) Rules 2022, which prescribed the mechanism for the diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes. 

  • New Rules omitted a clause (present in 2014 and 2017 Rules) that required any proposal to mandatorily have the consent of local tribespeople and other traditional forest dwellers of the area, before proceeding for Stage 1 clearance (approval of central government). 

  • This was pointed out by National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) highlighting violations of rights like pushing the State and Union Territory governments for diversion of forest land at the earliest and unfair FRA compliance reports. 

  • NCST says the requirement for consent and recognition of rights prior to stage 1 clearance provided a legal space for the completion of the process for recognition of rights under FRA.

  • For further reading about forest conservation rules - click here

Content Editor : Dr. Yamini Singh

The Hindu

Source : 

Published on :

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Global Health, Deforestation

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To LEAVE or to LIVE is the question among state and local public health staffs

  • The study, published today in Health Affairs, compared intent to leave or retire in 2017 with actual separations through 2021 among state and local public health staff at agencies that participated in the PH WINS survey in both years. 

  • The study found that 46% of state and local employees left their organizations during that time. The number rose to 74% among employees under age 35 and 77% among employees with less than five years of experience. 

  • This rate of departure has a great societal impact through the loss of critical public health experience and institutional knowledge during a health crisis. 

  • If the trend continues, nearly 130,000 staff will have left their jobs by 2025. 

  • We’re losing early-career professionals at the same time that senior leaders are leaving in droves. These two trends are colliding in a perfect storm that leaves us extremely vulnerable to the next public health threat.  

  • Stopgap measures:  1. Offer accessible and affordable supervisory training,  2. Create a mentorship program 3. Reduce the burden of student debt

Content Editor : Dr. Monk

de Beaumont Foundation

Source : 

Published on :

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Public Health / Social Security

Capital stuck in losing game: Delhi remains the most polluted in NCR in spite of lower average PM 2.5

  • According to an analysis by the Centre for Science and Environment, although the average PM 2.5 level in Delhi this winter was the lowest since 2018-19, Delhi remains the most polluted city in the National Capital Region

  • The improvement was attributed to meteorology and emergency action based on pollution forecasting. 

  • The average PM 2.5 level in Delhi from October 1 to January 31 was 160 µg/m3, lower than the previous year

  • However, the highest average PM 2.5 level of 211 µg/m3 was recorded at the Nehru Nagar monitoring station, and Jahangirpuri was the most polluted neighborhood. Hotspots are identified in North and East Delhi.

Content Editor : Dr. Purnoor Kaur

Centre for Science and Environment

Source : 

Published on :

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Air Pollution, Environmental Health

Monkeys maul a 70 year old to death in Telangana: Elderly vulnerable to animal attacks

  • In a tragic incident in Ramareddy village, Kamareddy district, Telangana, 70-year-old Chataraboina Narsavva was killed by a troop of 20 monkeys in her house

  • On Saturday, she was alone as her daughter, Suguna, had gone out to a wedding. When the troop pounced at her, she was washing utensils inside her house. No one came to rescue her out of fear. 

  • After the monkeys left, she was rushed to a hospital, however, she succumbed to death due to severe injuries.

Content Editor : Dr. Purnoor Kaur

The Hindu

Source : 

Published on :

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Elderly Health, Vulnerable populations

Jan Aushadhi Diwas 2023 (7th March)

  • Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi pariyojana (PMBJP) (2016) was launched with a vision to bring down the healthcare budget of every citizen of India by providing quality Generic medicines at affordable prices. 

  • Till 31st January 2023, 9082 PMBJP Kendras opened 32.94 Crore Janaushadhi ‘Suvidha’ Sanitary Napkins (Rs. 1 per pad) sold, 1759 generic medicines, and 280 surgical types of equipment added to the scheme.

  •  Since 2019, the 7th of march is celebrated as Jan Aushadhi Diwas every year

  • This year one week (1st to 7th March) celebration was planned

  • Doctors should be encouraged to prescribe generic medicines to help poor patients

  • Jan Aushadhi Sugam – Mobile app to locate Kendras and the price of medicines is available

  • Previous name: Jan Aushadhi Scheme (2008), Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi yojana (2015)  Under Ministry of Chemicals& Fertilizers, Department of Pharmaceuticals.

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India

Source : 

Published on :

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Public health day, Health programmes

"High Seas Treaty" to Protect Ocean Health

  • Under the leadership of Ambassador Rena Lee at the UN Headquarters in New York, the Inter-Governmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) had come up with the "High Seas Treaty" on 5th March 2023 after two weeks of negotiation on the draft. 

  • The Global Legal Framework places 30% of the world's oceans in protected areas.  This brings more investment in marine conservation. 

  • Access to and use of marine resources for genetic research

  • In accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, it is a crucial step towards achieving ocean-related targets of sustainable development.  

  • The support of NGOs, academic institutions, research centers, and scientific and civil societies is a critical requirement.

Content Editor : Dr. Urmimala Maiti

UN News Section

Source : 

Published on :

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Gobal Health, Marine Biodiversity, High Seas Treaty

Digital India Act - Two pronged "regulator" on cybercrime & e-commerce

  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is set to replace the existing IT Act 2000 with a new and more important act, Digital India Act (DIA). 

  • It safeguards child and women’s safety along with regulations against spreading misinformation and online harassment

  • GoI is committed to making Internet Service Providers (ISPs) accountable for hosting offensive content.  

  • New regulations for data storage, online gaming, cyberbullying, doxing, and other cybercrimes.

  • Intermediaries can't be allowed to perpetuate the circulation of offensive material in the garb of privacy and freedom of speech.

Content Editor : Dr. Monk

The Times of India

Source : 

Published on :

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Data Protection, Criminal and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)

Combination therapy a life saver - for Severe Scrub Typus: INTEREST Trial

  • Scrub Typhus, a zoonotic bacterial infection presents as an acute febrile illness if untreated and can reach severe disease in 70% of patients.   

  • Severe disease can lead to prolonged hospitalization and even lead death due to multiorgan dysfunction and shock.  

  • A Randomized Controlled Intravenous Treatment for Scrub Typhus (INTREST)Trial done across seven sites in India revealed that combination therapy is superior to monotherapy with IV doxycycline or azithromycin.   

  • In the trial, patients with severe disease received in-hospital, 7-days, IV Doxycycline (200 mg BD on day 1, then 100 mg BD), and Azithromycin (500 mg BD on day 1, then 500 mg OD) as a combination therapy.  

  • The incidence of complications of scrub typhus and composite primary outcome event (persistent complications by day 7) is better i.e., lesser in combination therapy. 

  • Faster bacterial clearance is achieved in both azithromycin and combination therapy.

  • For further reading - Click here

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

Source : 

Published on :

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Scrub Typhus, Infectious disease, Evidence Based Medicine

Beware of fake drug rackets!

  • The interstate fake drug trade has revealed spurious companies manufactured sub-standard quality drugs and sold them under known pharmaceutical names across various states of India.  

  • Odisha-UP joint (Special Task Force) seized Rs. 7.35 crore of fake medicines, and offenders were arrested.

  • An inter-state investigation has been going on regarding the issue. Public and healthcare workers have to be aware of fake drug rackets

  • The fake drug racket distribution at low prices is more prevalent in rural areas.   

  • Jan Aushadhi Kendras might be the future solution to this problem.

Content Editor : Dr. Ranjitha R

The Indian Express

Source : 

Published on :

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Drug Quality Standards

WHO launches Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct

  • The policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct launched by WHO, places the victims and survivors at its core and sets strict standards of zero tolerance, and stresses that there can be “no excuse” for sexual misconduct

  • This policy comes into effect from 8th March 2023

  • The Independent Commission, which the WHO Director-General established in 2020 to investigate claims of sexual exploitation and abuse during the response to the 10th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, produced important findings that led to the development of the new policy, which is a crucial part of the comprehensive program WHO is implementing in response. 

  • The umbrella term “sexual misconduct” refers to all types of forbidden sexual behavior by employees and partners of the organization.  

  • For reading the complete policy document - Click here

Content Editor : Dr. Manjeet Mohanty

WHO News Section

Source : 

Published on :

Monday, March 6, 2023

Gender Equality, Women Rights

Rising Influenza (H3N2) cases - ICMR issues Advisory

  • Due to the rising cases of H3N2 influenza A cases, observed in the laboratory network for  ILI-SARI (Influenza-like illness- Severe Acute Respiratory Illnesses) Surveillance, the Indian council of medical research (ICMR)  has issued new advisories

  • There was a rise seen in the H3N2 Influenza A cases in the surveillance data from 15th December till date. About half of in-patient SARI and outpatient ILI were found to have Influenza A H3N2. 

  • The most common symptoms seen in the hospitalized patients in decreasing order were fever, cough, breathlessness, wheezing, pneumonia, and seizures

  • 10% of these patients needed oxygen and 7% required ICU care.

  • Do’s  -  washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowded places, taking plenty of fluids, taking PCM for fever and body ache have been encouraged.

  • Don'ts -  Not maintaining distance even while greeting people, spitting in public, and use of antibiotics or other medications without consulting a doctor.

Content Editor : Dr. Sangya Chaudhary


Source : 

Published on :

Monday, March 6, 2023

ICMR, Respiratory illnesses, Influenza H3N2

Insurers to design covers for Mental Illnesses and HIV/AIDS

  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued a circular directing all general and health insurers to offer specific insurance coverage for people with disabilities, HIV/AIDS, and mental illness.  

  • The circular highlights the sections of various Acts i.e. Mental Health Care Act 2017, Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, and HIV and AIDS Act 2017, that require insurers to offer appropriate coverage for a year and are renewable

  • The insurers must put in place a board-approved underwriting policy that ensures no proposal is denied due to the stated disabilities and/or illnesses.

  • The product's scope can be expanded but cannot be narrowed down, and the insurers may determine the product's price, complying with the norms specified in the IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016.

  • For further reading, click here

Content Editor : Dr. Sangya Chaudhary


Source : 

Published on :

Monday, March 6, 2023

Health Insurance, HIV, Mental Illness

New Security Mechanism for Aadhaar Identification

  • The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has developed a new security mechanism for Aadhaar-based fingerprint authentication to detect spoofing attempts.

  • The mechanism uses a combination of finger minutiae and finger images to check the liveness of the fingerprint captured, making Aadhaar authentication more robust and secure. 

  • The new two-factor authentication validates the genuineness of the fingerprint, reducing the chances of spoofing attempts.

  • The new security mechanism is expected to benefit the banking, financial, telecom, and government sectors, and strengthen the Aadhaar-enabled payment system

  • The adoption of Aadhaar-based authentication transactions has been witnessing an upward trend, with the cumulative number of Aadhaar authentication transactions crossing 88.29 billion by the end of December 2022, and clocking an average per day transactions of 70 million.

  • For further reading, click here 

Content Editor : Dr. Sangya Chaudhary

UIDAI, Govt. of India

Source : 

Published on :

Monday, March 6, 2023

Government of India, AADHAAR, UIDAI

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